I have some suggestions and errors and I'd like someones advice for which of them I should create a ticket and which of them I should forget.
Points 1) - 9) I have all implemented/fixed in our local distribution (based on 0.4.2) and could provide source code for the fixes.
Here's the list:
it would be handy if function get_boolean() in rcube_shared.inc would also recognize "off" as false.
1 gigabyte is displayed as "1024MB" by function show_bytes() in rcube_shared.inc. I would prefer "1GB". Same is for "1024KB" and "1MB".
when the hook method "preferences_save" fails, saving should be aborted an error message should be displayed. Currently always success message is displayed.
Generally it is a problem to enter names containing '<' character, because this is treated as html-tag then. The list of places where '<' does not work:
a) Settings -> Folders: drag and drop a folder containing '<' and the name will change. b) Settings -> Identiies -> Settings: fields "Display name" and "Company" c) Settings -> Identiies -> Signature: when changing from non html to html signature, all '<' disappear d) all contacts fields e) all search fields f) searching in folders containing a '<' is not possible
Currently you can only export contacts one by one. It would be nice if the user could choose to export all contacts or the selected ones only. On our system I realized this with a small submenu at the export button.
the fileinfo php plugin is not very useful. E.g. pdf-files or jpeg-files are declared as octet-stream. mime_content_type() should be tried before fileinfo, not afterwards.
vcard makes sometimes problems with line folding. Multibyte UTF-8 charcters are folded in the middle and therefore cannot be inserted in database, when the DB has set the coding of the tables to UTF-8
At Settings -> Folders: you cannot drag&drop a subfolder back to top level. You could allow dropping it on INBOX and make it top level then.
I think there is an error in "./program/js/app.js.src", line 4625: $(current_li).removeClass('selected').removeClass('unfocused');
should be $(current_li).removeClass('selected').addClass('unfocused');
And 2 errors I found in the new contacts form:
When saving a contact without entering an email address, all manually added elements disappear (values are still there, but input fields are not visible)
you get an error message when you enter german character 'ß' in contacts data and save it
Kind regards, Erich. _______________________________________________ List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/ BT/aba52c80