
I guess those are all valid points. I think as long as we keep the versioning sane and don't race to a 1.0 too quickly we can always change the requirement when more people came around to 5.3. I am hoping this is more sooner than later. With PHP 5.4 around the corner, there are a lot of benefits to upgrading.

I'm not aware of the Zend Encoder/Zend Guard specifics. I'll see if I can dig up something from Zend to learn more about it.


On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Claudio Kuenzler <ck@claudiokuenzler.com> wrote:
Thanks Raoul, you're taking the words out of my mouth :D
Being a hoster I see the same problematics with the migration 5.2->5.3.
Big problem as example: Zend Optimizer to Zend Guard Loader. Completely different and encoded apps won't be working anymore. That's some huge bugger for a hoster.
So +1 from me as well to stay 5.2 compliant.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] <r.bhatia@ipax.at> wrote:
On 2012-01-06 15:36, Thomas Bruederli wrote:
> till wrote:
>> Do you guys have any thoughts on going all the way with 5.3+?
> That would, of course, be desirable from a developers perspective but
> remembering all the complaints when moving to 5.2 as a minimum requirement
> I guess it's to early. Hosting companies and linux distributors seem to lag
> behind the ongoing development and still have 5.2 in their repositories.
> PHP 5.4 is still not released stable and until that we should at least
> support one major version more than just the most recent one.

as both a hoster and programmer myself, i completely agree with

on the hosting side, it will still take some time for a php 5.2 to
php 5.3 transition because

(a) there are still supported distros with php 5.2 (think: never touch
a running system) and

(b) there are plenty of customers, ignorant to software updates, who
are still running non php 5.3 compatible appplications (e.g. joomla 1.5)
or custom code which makes a (forced) transition even harder ...

(of course, you can run php 5.2 and php 5.3 side by side but that
increases maintenance efforts)

so +1 for keeping 5.2 compatibility a little longer.

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia@ipax.at
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