Thanks a lot. This seems to solve the problem mentioned in thread "Deleted Message in Trash not purged". Will add your patch as soon as possible to the CVS.
Regards, Thomas
2005/11/24, Niels Ganser
Dear list,
attached is a patch which changes the whopping amount of one (!) lines in Without the patch messages don't get permanently deleted when trying to do that from inside the Trash folder as the expunge function adds an INBOX. before the mailbox name. So passing INBOX.Trash as a parameter is a bad idea :-)
Btw, it took me more than one hour to patch this as the total amount of documentation in the code is somewhere between -5 and 0 lines. Roundcube is a promising piece of software but without enough people helping out it'll most likely stay in alpha/beta forever. So may I suggest inserting a minimal amount of documentation? At least some kind of header above every function telling us what exactly it does and from where it usually is called.
I'd very much like to become a contributor since I have lots of experience with PHP and miss some features such as a decent search. But unfortunately I'm not a clairvoyant so pleeeease more documentation.
I guess I've made my point now so have fun with the patch ;)
Best regards, Niels.