At the link
Only this is mentioned for browser requirements :
* Javascript enabled
* Accept cookies
* Support for XMLHttpRequest
Since I have some users on old or odd platforms, I was wondering if
there should be a list of "tested" browsers.
This may be incorrect, but from reading the Dev mail list, it seems
the main developers test on the major browsers.
IMHO it seems that RoundCube is "tested" on
IE 6 ( Win XP ) and 7 ( Win XP and Vista ) Safari 2 ( OS X 10.4.x ) and 3 ( OS X 10.4.x and 10.5.x, Win XP, Vista ) Firefox 2 ( Win XP, OS X 10.4.x )
Should that specifically be mentioned in the browser requirements ? Are there others that are smoketested by Devs ?
If other browsers are known to work by users, those could be added to
a "reported to work" section, so there is not an implication those
browsers are regularly used by the Devs.
I think Opera 9 is used by others on the Dev list, and I use Camino,
although always the very latest release.
Maybe there should also be a "known not to work" section so bugs
don't get filed that will likely never be addressed ?
I realize that if IE 6 works, you have covered almost every Windows
user, but the Mac platform has had many different browsers available
for it, and many different versions of those. Sadly each with
differing capabilities as far as HTML, CSS, and ECMAScript support.
Such browsers would be Safari 1.2x or 1.0.x ( OS X 10.3.x, 10.2.x ),
Firefox 1.0.x or 1.5.x, Mozilla Suite ( Mac OS 9 ), IE 4.x ( Mac OS
9 ), iCab, etc.
Charles Dostale System Admin - Silver Oaks Communications 824 17th Street, Moline IL 61265
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