
Here is a URL with some of the compatibility information about TinyMCE:

I have done 90% of my work on Firefox/MacOS10.4, with some Firefox/Linux and Safari/MacOS10.4 testing as well  Safari doesn't work great, but I have heard some things about Safari's JavaScript interpreter that point to Safari as the source of the problem.

TinyMCE has a lot of fancy plugins - in fact, you can make it work pretty much like M$ Word if you configure it correctly.  I believe the plugins that are "MSIE only" are some of the "fluff" plugins (like the "iespell" spell checker, the graphics object z-layering, etc.).  All of the more "normal" HTML-based formatting plugins (styles, fonts, colors, links, images, etc.) have worked fine on Firefox.

 What happened when you tried to use Opera with their example page?


On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 16:58:43 +1000, "Chris Fordham" wrote:

I went to the TinyMCE site to check out the examples. It didn't seem to
load in my Opera on both Linux and Windows at all.

In addition i found this on the site:

"This page shows all available plugins that are included in the TinyMCE
distribution. Some of these plugins will only be visible on MSIE due to
the lack of some support in FF. For more details on the various options on
TinyMCE check the manual or for more third party plugins check the plugin

I am just thinking if this plugin is extensible enough to deply with RC?
IMHO everything should work in Opera, MSIE and Firefox without exceptions
(or at least without major exceptions).

Am I missing something here? I really would like to see the WYSIWYG work
in Opera.


On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 01:49:12 +1000, Eric Stadtherr <>

> Hi all,
> I have been working on integrating the TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML editor into
> RoundCube to be able to compose HTML messages. I posted a description
> and some
> screen shots in the forums a little while ago:
> URL:
> Topic: HTML / Wyswig Editor for sending mail ?
> I recently merged my code into the latest revision of the SubVersion
> trunk (r254),
> so the patch should go smoothly with any recently obtained working copy.
> The
> patch requires downloading and installing the TinyMCE package from
> at the same level as RoundCube in your web server document folder
> hierarchy. I
> made the patch available for download here:
> The patch contains a couple other minor changes that I can separate out
> if
> necessary:
> fixed variable name typos in
> fix to url_chars in (it used to split URLs on ";" characters)
> I've tested it with forwarding various commercial HTML messages, and
> composing/replying
> to my own messages. The editor itself supports a large number of HTML
> features,
> but a subset of those features can be made available by initializing the
> editor
> differently in the JavaScript code (see the "tinyMCE.init()" call in
> and the TinyMCE documentation for details).
> I'd like to add a checkbox/toggle in the compose window to allow users
> to choose
> between HTML/plain-text when composing a message - that's next on my
> list.
> Take a look and let me know what you think, and if it sounds like
> something that
> should go into the baseline.
> Thanks for all the great work! I chose RoundCube after trying out 5 or 6
> other
> WebMail applications. Some others had more features, but the RoundCube
> user
> interface made all the difference!
> -Eric Stadtherr

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