If I understood correctly, Jamie's bug wasn't about allowing to set
inbox as sent folder, because he's already done that.

What Alex is saying is that, at least in recent versions, you can not set INBOX as a special folder. So if Jamie was able to set INBOX as a Sent folder, he's in a situation that's not supported by Roundcube. Just stating the fact, not saying if thats right or wrong.

The bug was about
what folder name is shown in case inbox is sent. IMO, inbox should
always be shown as inbox regardless of whether or not it's also used for
sent, drafts, trash, and/or junk. Don't you agree?

The ticket the OP referred to has a deeper question. And one that I think is very valid, as im in the same position as the OP in a way. I think it should be possible to disable translation of special folder names through a config option. I have actually disabled that whole piece of code. The reason translations can be bad in certain situations (ours is one of them) is that you can end up with visually the same folder names, even through they're different folders. 

Let me give an example. Lets say one of our customers has the following 6 physical folders:

Verzonden    (this is a dutch translation of 'Sent').

If I let roundcube do it's thing, the customer will see the following in his roundcube folder list:


You may think, why would someone try to make a folder 'Verzonden' when he already thinks he's got one. That's simple. We allow access through direct IMAP as well, and IMAP clients do not provide the same translation. (or worse, they provide a different translation!).  So, in their IMAP client (thunderbird, Outlook, Apple Mail), they do see the 'Sent' and "verzonden" separately. Or you may think, why didnt you give those folders a dutch name in the first place?  Thats easy too, we have many international customers, so having dutch foldernames is just not an option. 

It would be very helpful if one could disable translation of special folder names, regardless of the issue of the OP.
