For starters, I would look at Selenium.
You can also use Selenium IDE with Firefox.
From there you could create scripts to test a Webmail interface.
On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:00:24 -0700 (PDT), Rajesh Dorairajan wrote:
Greetings Roundcube devs,
I'm doing a Master's project with three team-mates in San Jose State University, California and we're trying to develop an "Integrated Test framework" for Webmail systems. We're trying to achieve a generic web-based framework (using LAMP architecture) that will act as a single source of validation for a Webmail system such as Roundcube including the IMAP/POP3 server, SMTP server, LDAP/Database, and the front-end PHP layer. I wanted to see if you could share your thoughts on this issue. Being developers of the roundcube project you must've undergone some painful experience devising a test setup for your system. Do you think you could help us a little bit by telling us some of the difficulties that we might atrempt to solve by developing such as a framework? Any feedback would be deeply appreciated.
Thank you very much for your time.
Rajesh Dorairajan E-Mail:-
-- Brennan Stehling LLC