On 2013-10-31 15:12, A.L.E.C wrote:
After some more thinking... Current Roundcube behavior is even better. Allows to open a message (in preview frame) with space bar. I opt to not change this behavior.
Just so I understand your use-case, you're talking about navigating with the arrow keys with the control keys down until you get to a message you want to preview, at which time you release the control key and press the space bar, which - because only a single message is selected - allows you to preview that message. If we modeled the Thunderbird behavior, the new message would be selected, but existing messages would also be selected, which means that the preview would not open.
Assuming I understand that correctly, I completely agree with you. I don't see any utility in Thunderbird's behavior of "previewing" multiple emails, and because we have more overhead than Thunderbird does in loading the preview pane, it's a good use-case to use control-arrow-key to prevent loading the messages between the one you're currently reading and the one you want to read!
Now to experiment with some Selenium tests!