Make sure your logs and temp directory are writable by the apache server.  Check httpd.conf and look for the User line.  Then you can do something similar to:

chown vwsuser:www logs temp
chmod g+w logs temp

(note that vwsuser should be the user you ftp with, and www is the user that apache runs as).

regarding the other problem, check your 'identities' tab under 'personal settings'.

Dave Wood

On 02/11/05, Tony Dell <> wrote:
Everytime I send a message I get the following error:

Warning: fopen(./logs/sendmail): failed to open stream: Keine Berechtigung in /var/www-secure/html/roundcube/program/steps/mail/ on line 252

do I need some special write permissions on my logs directory?

Also, even with the error, the message goes throuhg, however, it doesn't show up properly, it doesn't show the name of the sender, and some of the mail header information ends up in the body of the message.  Here is an example: