Thanks a lot for your translation. In general, the files should be saved as UTF-8 (with double byte chars) and should not contain any HTML-encoded strings like &...; I converted your files and will add them to the CVS.
Regards, Thomas
Hegedüs Ervin schrieb:
here are the hungarian translations, these versions are generated from CVS (2006-01-05), but in CVS-Entry date in localization/ is 2005-12-16.
These should be works for me, but may be there are some kind of errors. I mean, I don't know, when should I use html entities for accentuated letter (eg: á, é, ő, ű), and when its html entity's.
It is most desirable to separate the javascript alert errors, and others, eg: loginfailed... Translators can follow the original version easier...