2007/4/12, Sir Brent sirbrent@gmail.com:
message without subjects should read "No Subject"
Done. http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/ticket/1484243
images in emails and attachments scaled smaller or auto-scaled
On the road map: http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/roadmap (see 'later')
roundcube auto checking for email and notify on page (like gmail does with page title and inbox count)
address book should hold more information
On the road map: http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/roadmap (see 0.2-beta)
wish you could open emails in inbox with single click like items in folders
And how to select them?
menu (doesnt work in firefox 1.5 atleast)
What menu?
could message count disappear when not reading emails since it has no functionality?
Don't understand. Please explain.
documentation with installation guide: options to change timezone autoset
What do you mean with "timezone autoset"?
and hide charset menu in compose screena
You can hide it by altering the skin templates.
wishful thinking: automatically show timezone configuration screen on first login (maybe check sql tables to see if data exsists?)
Already requested: http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/ticket/1291605