So what's the date fixed for the meet ?

On 1/11/07, Superbaloo <> wrote:
I'm using linux or windows with Xchat (irc), gaim (msn) and

I would prefer to use IRC

Brennan Stehling a écrit :
> In preparation for having a meeting I would like to know the platforms
> everyone is using.  It seems that IRC may be the text messaging
> approach we use beyond voice calls over Skype.  Whatever we use, I
> want to make sure everyone can get into the discussion if they want.
> So please reply to all for this email and tell us what your choice
> platform is for daily use. And include your preferences for web
> browser, IM  and IRC clients.
> I have used Windows, Mac and Linux over the years and I know it has
> been difficult to find a good IRC client when using a different
> platform.  Once we know the platforms and IRC clients people feel work
> best I will get some basic instructions on  the wiki explaining how to
> get those programs and how to get into the RC channel.
> Also, for those SysAdmin types out there.  Do any you have a good way
> to capture the IRC discussion and publish it afterward? We will want
> to archive these meetings and highlight the major points and decisions
> of the meetings.
> And while some may choose not to use Skype anyone who would like to
> take part in a voice discussion and save yourself from typing, I will
> be happy to have any join a conference call with me.  Remember that
> Skype is free and runs on Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
> Brennan Stehling