Ticket #1483843 requests for a mass mark as read option. I would like to see this extended to mass flag/move option. It would be nice to select multiple mails and then move those to specific folder, as is possible with GMail and IlohaMail. For an individual mail this is already possible.
I can add this to the existing ticket or create a new one, but I'm wondering what the best way for feature requests is. I see things asked for on the mailing list being implemented right away while some tickets are entered a long time ago. In a few weeks, I probably (hopely) have some more spare time left, which I want to spent on the RC when required. I would like to dig through the list of open tickets and see of some of them have been solved in the meantime. But maybe it is better to do this when a second beta is to be released. Is a date for a new beta release already planned? It would be nice for those users who don't use SVN to benefit from all the great improvements made over the passed few months.
-- Regards, Erik