Hi Sjon
I thought that this suggestion would come up one day. I think you have some sort of Gmail Notifier in mind.
I'm not sure if this really should be part of RoundCube because any RoundCube account is authorized by the according IMAP account and the RSS feed should display contents of that IMAP account and no RoundCube specific information.
To achieve this, an independent application/script can be used. I found this to start with: http://www.noaxs.net/imap2rss/
Of course, an API to RoundCube could be useful and it could also provide this RSS functionality as well as the possibility to open a valid RoundCube session which lets you then enter RoundCube without logging in (like Gmail notifier).
I will add this to the roadmap but it will not have a high priority.
Regards, Thomas
Sjon wrote:
I just had an idea that might be usefull for Roundcube to implement. How about supporting a generated RSS feed of your email; so you can add that to your Firefox/whatever RSS reader; which will then notify you of new email? A link to /?auth=lala&_task=rss would be sufficient. We could show that link for every folder, and add a keepalive call to the RSS read action.
Bombs away :P
-- Regards, Sjon