Hello Ziba,
This is not to discount the validity of your points, but I would
like to point out that roundcube (svn trunk) is ready to be used on more
than a single web server.
Thank you for the information. I had not noticed this feature and
assumed that attachments would cause a problem with load balancing. I
would still prefer not to put the sessions and attachments in a DB but
I can see how this is a good way to cluster roundcube.
Using the database attachments plugin recently merged into head in combination with the already existing database backed sessions, we are able to run one instance of roundcube across many machines with DNS
load balancing.
DNS balancing is a good solution but I still believe that the patch -
and cookie based routing - has its advantages.
number of connection, DNS load balancing does not provide as much
control over the repartition of the load.
not for example ) so you may still find one of your machine getting
most of the load if you do not control your users.
Thomas _______________________________________________ List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/