Hi y'all,

Short question before I file a bug (if needed at all). I use GIT 20120508.1450 and I cannot put people into my address book. It will throw an error at me.

I think something is going wrong but I'm not sure where to look. The (parsed) line that is responsible for adding someone to the address book doesn't look quite right to me but is this a local problem (character encoding for example) or is it an actual problem in the code somewhere?

What the parsed line in question looks like:
<td class="header from"><span><a href="mailto:eelko@fakeroundcube.net" onclick="return rcmail.command('compose','eelko@fakeroundcube.net',this)" title="eelko@fakeroundcube.net" class="rcmContactAddress">Eelko Berkenpies</a><a href="#add" onclick="return rcmail.command('add-contact','Eelko+Berkenpies+%3Ceelko%40fakeroundcube.net%3E',this)" title="Add to address book" class="rcmaddcontact"><img src="skins/larry/images/addcontact.png" alt="Add contact"></a></span></td>
The error it will throw:

An error occurred! Invalid e-mail address: Eelko+Berkenpies+%3Ceelko%40fakeroundcube.net%3E

Eelko Berkenpies