Hi guys,
I've trying to implemnt roundcube in the company I work for, but I've found some problem (alread posted on users mailing list).
I've read in these forums several times that most roundcube developers are not using LDAP, so they can't test many LDAP features.
As I'm mainly a systems administrator and not a developer, the language I have most experience is python and not php, and my time is not enough to do these sort of developments I'd like to collaborate in another way in these features related to LDAP.
So, may it help if , for example, I setup for you a Virtual Machine with a full working and ready to use OpenLDAP server, with phpldapadmin and some lorem ipsum data on it?
Maybe having this would help you to improve LDAP on roundcube.
Just trying to Help.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/