$rcmail_config['mysql'] = 'mysql://xyz_user:PASSWORD@localhost/xyz';

You have to add the password after the db name.

On 10/13/05, Praneet Kandula <pkmlist@gmail.com> wrote:
Roundcube uses Pear::DB. Make sure your host has Pear::DB installed,
or include it yourself.

On 10/13/05, Mike Marley <mmarley@accupoll.com> wrote:
> I have created a mysql database named xyz and a user named xyz_user so
> what exactly should this line be in db.inc.php?
> $rcmail_config['mysql'] = 'mysql://xyz_user@localhost/xyz';
> That doesn't seem to work for some reason.
> I keep getting the following errors:
> *DB Error in
> /home/xyz/public_html/roundmail/program/include/rcube_db.inc (63):* DB
> Error: not found
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function: query() in
> */home/xyz/public_html/roundmail/program/include/rcube_db.inc* on line *119
> Thanks to anyone who can help me.
> Mike
> *