Fixed the following problems with SVN 2523:
#1- functions.js:
Line 125: add ...
  this.messagemenu = $('#messagemenu');
rcube_mail_ui.prototype = {
show_messagemenu: function(show)
  if (typeof show == 'undefined')
    show =':visible') ? false : true;
  var ref = rcube_find_object('messagemenulink');
  if (show && ref)
    this.messagemenu.css({ left:ref.offsetLeft, top:(ref.offsetTop + ref.offsetHeight) });
#2- mail.html:
include markmessagemenu.html after "messagemenulink", otherwise positioning does not work.
#3- mail.css:
  width: 172px;
width: auto in IE7 is to wide, because list contains a horizontal ruler (<hr />)
----- Original Message -----
From: "A.L.E.C" <>
To: "RoundCube Dev" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 9:15 AM
Subject: [RCD] message menu button

> I'm working on a new button in toolbar (mail.html and message.html
> templates). This will be a popup menu like markmenu,
> will contains container for plugins and three actions (for start):
> - open message in new window
> - show source (in new window)
> - Download as .eml file
> The button will be enabled in message view or in mailbox view when one
> message is selected. I'll remove current viewsource button. So,
> now I need your opinion about:
> 1. Should I add 'print' action to message menu, and remove print button
> from toolbar? It's reasonable, print is a one-message-action (and we
> need more place for plugin buttons).
> 2. I've got no image for the button, any ideas?
> --
> Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak gg:2275252
> LAN Management System Developer
> Roundcube Webmail Developer
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