Em 26/09/2016 17:00, Brendan escreveu:
My function is:
function action_pending(){ global $color; $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); //$rcmail->output->show_message('pending');
$plugin_tmdatools_tmdadir =
$rcmail->config->get('plugin_tmdatools_tmdadir'); $plugin_tmdatools_tmdasettings = $rcmail->config->get('plugin_tmdatools_tmdasettings'); $show_num = $rcmail->config->get('plugin_tmdatools_showPageNum');
You can find your answer in the plugin API docs: https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/wiki/Plugin-API#internationalizat...
i think he's running into an issue where $this doesn't have the context he needs inside his sub.
aureleo - what is calling action_pending()? an ajax request? some other sub elsewhere? _______________________________________________
Yes, it's an ajax resquest.