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Tested with dovecot 1.0.rc15 [debian], FireFox 2.0.6 (amd64), RoundCube 0.1rc1.

It's worked yesterday. Today, it's make an "3-apaches-blocked-at-100%", and two crash of FireFox (I already see the apaches blocked, but not the crash...)

After a reboot, it's works perfectly... It's can be the environment (it's a VmWare's virtual machine restored from sleeping mode), but I has been already in the same situation without problems.

Did he use "maildirmake.dovecot" to make his mailboxes ?


Ps : Filters progress slovely because your interface for form are a bit complicated, but I thnik I understand now hos it's works :).
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On 9/3/07, yskzt@church.ne.jp < yskzt@church.ne.jp> wrote:
I tested in my enviroment is dovecot 1.0.3 & Firefox 2.0.3 & latest from
SVN for ticket 1484431.

> When I log in to roundcube, a couple of folders flash say they have new
> messages in. About half a second later, these folders no longer show the
> new message indicator. When I go to the folders, there are no new
> in them.

This wasn't happened.

> Also, folders that DO have new messages in (other than INBOX) don't show
> that they have new messages! But that's another bug...

This was happened.


On Sun, 2 Sep 2007 04:04:33 +0200, till <klimpong@gmail.com > wrote:
> Does anyone run Dovecot and can give feedback on the following ticket?
> http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/ticket/1484431
> Please test with latest source from SVN.
> Much appreciated,
> Till
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