Hi all,

This feature is already present in other mail clients, like SquirrelMail, which is a webmail client, or Mutt (a command-line one). Instead of grouping N mails from a conversation in a line, they use N lines to show them, but the idea is there.

This could be useful, maybe their codes could be used in RoundCube with some modifications rather than writing this feature from scratch.

I'm also very interested in such feature, as I've told Pablo.


2007/4/3, Pablo Manuel Rizzo <info@pablorizzo.com>:
On 1/15/07, Michele <vo.sinh@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm evaluating roundcube as a base for an advanced gmail-like webmail for

Hi Michele, may be you'll want to ready this thread:


Then, we can talk about how to implement the required feature.

Pablo Manuel Rizzo
Aunque supiera que el mundo se acabará mañana,
Igual plantaría mi manzano.   -- Martin Luther King --