Christopher A. Watford wrote:
Why anyone would use non lowercase column/field names is beyond me.
I suppose it also caters for using reserved names as column names too, column names of date/time or similar seem to catch several folks out
I think it was added to the spec merely to support MSSQL's "feature" which was a relic of Access. I was also under the impression that EVERY major DB supported standard backtick quoted table/field names
postgres doesn't seem to like it, when I installed RC over the weekend I had to change all the ` in PHP to " to get " instead
and we all know they support all lowercase field/table names, so I see this as an issue not with prepared queries but with people being too db-centric, as you have pointed out.
agreed, but using prepared statements (in the contextr of a web front-end) is more about protecting yourself from malicious users crafting "naughty" urls ...