Hi there,

i tried installing the Roundcube LDAP Addressbook following the howto posted overe here:

The ldap installation is working fine, but the rcabook-setup.sh script is returning an error and the configuration breaks:

-create addressbook base directory: ou=rcabook,dc=localhost
  (as LDAP administator: cn=admin,dc=localhost)
  adding new entry "ou=rcabook,dc=localhost"

-create the addressbook user: cn=rcuser,ou=rcabook,dc=localhost
  (as LDAP administator: cn=admin,dc=localhost)
  adding new entry "cn=rcuser,ou=rcabook,dc=localhost"

-create subdirectory for public contacts: ou=public,ou=rcabook,dc=localhost
  (as Roundcube user: cn=rcuser,ou=rcabook,dc=localhost)
adding new entry "ou=public,ou=rcabook,dc=localhost"

ERROR-unable to create subdirectory!

Can anybody assist?
whats the problem here?

Server is running debian testing with slapd 2.4.31

Thank you very much!