I have three issues with using the stable relase.
OS : Win 2000 IIS 5.0
Mysql 5.0
1) I get this error followed usually by a crashing of IIS

[02-Apr-2008 04:56:39 -0700] DB Error: DB Error: constraint violation Query: INSERT INTO messages (user_id, del, cache_key, created, idx, uid, subject, `from`, `to`, cc, date, size, headers, structure) VALUES ('20', 0, 'Inbox.msg', now(), NULL, '11669', '', '', '', '', FROM_UNIXTIME(0), 5519, 'O:8:\"stdClass\":8:{s:3:\"uid\";s:5:\"11669\";s:4:\"size\";s:4:\"5519\";s:4:\"seen\";b:0;s:6:\"recent\";b:0;s:7:\"deleted\";b:0;s:8:\"answered\";b:0;s:5:\"flags\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"internaldate\";s:20:\"23-Mar-2008 08:28:18\";}', NULL) [nativecode=1048 ** Column 'idx' cannot be null] in D:\roundbackup\program\include\rcube_db.inc on line 505

I am guessing it is trying to read an email with a blank subject or sender field...
2) I cannot attach files when I send. I don't have this problem with RC2. I think I altered some code to get this to work, but I forget where.
3) When clicking the (+) sign to add an email address as a contact, it fails....
Thanks for any possible help.....