Am 27.12.2012 23:53, schrieb Michael Heydekamp:
Am 27.12.2012 10:10, schrieb A.L.E.C:
In my opinion fileinfo result is correct. Return-path is not RFC-compliant, that's the reason why it chooses text/x-mail.
First: After some more investigation, it looks as if almost ALL messages that came in through our server do carry a header "Return-path:" (opposed to "Return-Path:"). I have no idea yet who is responsible for that (Exim, dovecot...?), but there is definitely some header munging happening somewhere. :-(
As we know in the meantime, Exim is the guilty one. And: It's even documented! (See previous posts to this subject).
Second: Even if we assume that "Return-path:" is not RFC-compliant (I didn't verify that)
According to RFC 2821, it should indeed read "Return-Path:" (although the text itself contains a lot of matches also for "Return-path" and even "return-path", see
But as Exim is widely used, we can't just ignore this behaviour, IMO. (Unbelievable that nobody else did realize this behaviour before.)
then we will have to look for a server-side solution (outside Roundcube). Any help appreciated how to create a "fixed" magic.mgc file.
Still hoping for some help and advice...
Third: It still totally escapes me where this "text/x-mail" recognition is coming from. As I said, the magic.mgc file does not contain this string at all, nor can I find this string in any other file involved in the 'finfo_open' function of PHP.
And this is still unclear, too. Any clue?
Michael Heydekamp Co-Admin Düsseldorf/Germany