I just pulled down CVS and gave it a whirl, but no go... I purged all 66 unread items from the trash and the count is still...66.
I refresh the folder, and the count stays the same. I log out and back in... no change. I can see the message is still there in the Maildir. I log into Squirrelmail... no change. I open the Trash folder in Squirrelmail, it reads empty, and suddenly the item is gone from the Maildir. Odd, eh?
On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 00:24:56 +0100, Thomas Bruederli roundcube@gmail.com wrote:
We had some issues with updating the unread count of the trash folder because a parameter as not sent to the server. This should now be solved in the current CVS version but I'm not sure if it's the same problem you described here.
After deleting a message (which just marks it as deleted), RoundCube sends the "expunge" command to the server to finally delete it.
Please get the latest CVS version and report if the problem still exists.
Regards, Thomas
Jeremy Hise wrote:
I could be wrong, not entirely accurate, but I don't think you can tell your mail server to auto-purge. I believe that's a function of the mail client. Some email clients may do certain things when you tell it to delete an email...such as move it to a deleted folder, put a strike-through, etc. The purge function would then REALLY delete. I've also noticed the delete functionality is a little buggy.