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I'm looking for a webmail, and RoundCube seem to be the best (more light, etc...), but there is one feature who is missing but essential for me, Filters.

I saw your roadmap, and you said "Later". Ok, I'm a developer too, and I said this word always ;).

But as I already said it, I'm a developer (Php especially, but I make a Firefox extension too : http://firegpg.tuxfamily.org), and I can develop this feature... And I hope you will include my patch into one official release (advantage of Open source :))  So I have some questions...

- - Will you want to include my edits if I send you the patches ?
- - Have I to use a specific part of the svn to get the base code ?

I don't want to join you as a full developer (lot of projects in progress...), but I relay want this feature (and maybe another users ?) , and I find it's the best way to work like this...

Thanks a lot for your answer and best regards !

(Ps. Sorry for my English, I come from Switzerland and my native language is French...)
(Ps2: Of course I will follow your guidelines for the source code aspect :))
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Comment: http://firegpg.tuxfamily.org


(  o  _    Maximilien Cuony [The glu]
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