On Thu, 18 May 2006 14:23:05 -0500, Charles McNulty charles@charlesmcnulty.com wrote:
Martin Marques wrote:
- There has to be an option to how to treat selection after an action
has been executed over the message. The option should, not only be configurable in which direction to move (forward or backward), but also in if it should select or not another message. You can leave the default behavior to be "move to the next message", and let user decide what is best for him/her.
You still haven't given any possible reason for this except as a preventative measure for people clicking the delete button twice. I'm not going to implement this unless I'm convinced that it could ever actually add to the user's experience.
Why should it add the the users experience. It should add to confortness of the user.
I personally don't see other web clients (don't come with the web desktop please) doing this (gmail, yahoo!, hotmail, IMP, squirrelmail, etc.). Yes I know Thunderbird, Outlook, kmail, and pine do it, but in the first tree cases it's because the actually do something with the mail, besides selecting it (they show the contents of it on another frame), while the fourth (pine) has to do it because it's the only way of showing from where you are moving (pine doesn't use mouse as it works on a terminal so you move the selection with keyboard arrows). At the end, why are you selecting another message? Just to be able to delete one after the other faster? I just don't get why this is so necesary.
But if everybody is happy with it, what can I do.
Anyway, you aren't fully complying to the selection that the fat-clients do, as when you go back to the mail folder, or after login, no mail is selected.
status of deleted messages. In other words I'm not being dogmatic, and I can be convinced but you're not even trying.
I just want it in the TODO. When I get some free time out, I'll try to get you a patch for it.