I have been using SpamAssassin, but I have had problems where incoming spam causes the server to become unresponsive for long periods of time.  This is obviously unacceptable.  I am pretty sure the biggest part of the problem is that fact that is running with Perl.  I have had problems with Perl before when I wrote CGI applications where it can lock up a server if you are handling a lot of data.

I specifically have it set to only handle messages under a certain size, but I still have problems.

I host other things on the same server, like my DNS and Web servers so I cannot allow the spam filter to kill the performance of all applications.  Is there something better that I could do?  I am seriously considering having all of my mail aliased to my Gmail account and not allow incoming mail to be stored on this server.  If I do that I will not be using RC, which I would like to continue using and helping with the development effort. 

Brennan Stehling
Offwhite.net LLC