On 03/16/2013 10:57 PM, Michael Heydekamp wrote:
- It seems to be stored somewhere which part had lastly been viewed for a
particular message, am I seeing this correct...? And if so, how and where is this (safely) being stored? I'm wondering if RC shouldn't first and always display the part according to the setting "Display HTML" under "Displaying Messages" after selecting back and forth between messages (would look more consistent to me)?
It is stored in session per-every message separately. So, when a message is displayed, last setting for this message is used, if the switch on that particular message wasn't used yet, default setting will be used.
- But: Viewing the Text part, there is still the well-known link "HTML
message" below the header. Viewing the HTML part, opposed to this there is (still) no correspondent link "Text message" below the header. Anyway, the still existing link "HTML message" is sort of redundant to the toggle at the right of the subject header. This should be more consistent (either showing an additional link below the header always or never, no matter which part is being viewed).
I would prefer a link below the header ONLY anyway (as the icon at the right of the subject header is hard to detect and the text "HTML message" or "Text message" is more user-friendly, better visible and better understandable than those - pretty small - icons). Alternatively, both toggles should exist. The least solution from my point of view would be to have JUST these icons.
I just keeped the old behaviour of converting HTML part to the attachment when displaying a message in text mode. I'm not sure we should change that. You can create a ticket, we'll think about this. Also, in my opinion icons are better, than links on attachments list.
- There is a problem when I'm viewing the Text part and click on the above
mentioned and still existing link "HTML message" below the header: The HTML part is being displayed, but the display of the header disappears entirely (see screenshot comparison attached).
I'm unable to reproduce (even with IE8). That link should open a new window/tab with HTML part (attachment) preview. There's a javascript error in this new page, but that's another issue.
- At a first quick test, it seems that a reply does quote the part which
is currently being viewed. Is this correct and intentional? If so: Great!
Yes. It's intentional.