On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 15:46, André Rodier <andre@rodier.me> wrote:
On 2018-09-26 14:21, A.L.E.C wrote:
> I think there's everything what is needed. The fact that there are
> quite good existing
> plugins (like Kolab's Calendar) confirm that. If there's something
> missing we're open to
> add such functionality.

Thank you, Kolab is the perfect example of wasted resources: It only
works with Kolab groupware,
where it could have been built in cooperation with other CalDAV /
CardDAV providers.

FWIW: Kolab’s calendar plugin is built with an abstraction layer for the storage backend. This would perfectly allow for a CalDAV connector. I think there even are some forks around for that.

Certainly a better option than starting a new calendar plugin from scratch as you and alec have already pointed out: it’s not trivial.
