It does not work for me either. First the MySQL files for MDB2 are missing in the CVS (MDB2 Error: not found). I added them to the repository.
If I add them to program/lib/MDB2/ there is a syntax error coming up at the first query: MDB2 Error: syntax error
As far as I can see, the method rcube_mdb2::query extracts all arguments and passes them to rcube_mdb2::_query but they're never used to replace the ? within the SQL statement. I think this causes the Syntax error.
For Postgres support I think we have to replace all 'NOW()' commands to lowercased 'now()'.
I was also thinking of replacing the rcube_mdb2 class completely and call MDB2 methods directly form the steps. Just create the MDB2 object in rcube_init() and connect to the DB directly. To use UNIX_TIMESTAP we should fetch the raw date from the DB (simple SELECT changed_date ...) and convert it using the MDB2 method mdbstamp2Unix().
What do you think about this?
David Saez Padros wrote:
Hi !!
Under advisement for another bug, I just pulled the cvs today and now on all the email screens, I have the following:
DB Error in /home/httpd/html/roundcube/program/include/ (148): DB Error: syntax error
i just uploaded yesterday evening some changes to that file, it works ok on my server, could you please ensure that you have the latest cvs changes ? if the error persists, please take a look at the page source and sent the complete error message.