Hi Javier!!
The simpler filters UI is testable at https://mail.cio.cat with same user and passwd.
May be we can add both UIs and let the user/admin decide whether to use one or the other.

About the backend, it's a bash script that takes all filters objects and translates them to the server specific filtering system (maildrop, sieve, exim, ...). That script have to be run by the mail admin, who'll place the output into the files used by the filtering system.

May be we can create an admin entrance to be able to configure RC from the web, and also take the files from filters, etc.

2008/1/10, J. Javier Maestro < roundcube-devel@nosys.es>:
On Jan Thu 10 2008 17:04, till wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2008 4:52 PM, emi delg < emidaruma@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pretty interesting. Good idea to use icons. Of course the icons should
> "match" the theme a  tad better, but generally why not. Wonder what
> others think.

I find it pretty cool :)  In any case, I would first do a "text-based" filter
UI, "a la gmail", where creating filters by form-filling is easy too.

Now, since I am new to the list and I haven't had the time yet to check all
the mail archive, I might be talking out of my ass here; if so, simply skip
the mail to the end, please 8)

This is a UI, so I guess there must be a backend. However, I don't think that
RC should do any mail filtering. It should allow to *manage* filtering rules
stored in (and used by) the mail server, "a la maildrop" filters, where
manage would mean create too, of course.

But, again, I think this should be done through RPC, by using some web
service that controls the mail server, filter creation, etc. This way, RC
would manage/create/delete filters and send the manage/create/delete petition
to the RPC server that would actually apply it to the user's mail flow, etc.

In any case, your work is a cool, awesome idea :D :D

My 2 cents!

J. Javier Maestro  <jjmaestro@nosys.es>
Socio Consultor   -    Nosys AJjV S.L.