On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Ricardo Campos Passanezi <riccp@ige.unicamp.br> wrote:

I've installed the roundcube 0.7 (freebsd port) into my machine, but I
can't login with the system showing "Your session is invalid or

In the session logs, whenerver I try to login I get a:

[05-Jan-2012 09:47:05 -0200]: Session authentication failed for hu51sq0hdvfhbe3u6eka8bj935; invalid auth cookie sent


postgresql 9.0.5 with "timezone = 'America/Sao_Paulo'";
roundcube 0.7 with "$rcmail_config['timezone'] = 'America/Sao_Paulo';".

I've searched through the list, goggled, and found something about
plugins, but i didn't enabled any plugin here (yet).

Is there anything I'm missing? Any clues? What can I do to help finding
what is wrong?


Can you run the install script? It includes a checks to make sure your PHP is configured correctly. It sounds to me like suhosin's session encrypt might get in the way. We haven't figured out what exactly causes this yet and generally recommend to turn it off. [Unless someone wants to figure it out and provide a patch. ;)]
