Hi Thomas, how are you?

I've found an small bug in the latest branch, when a message are forwarded, the header fields showed
inside the message body are replaced with html entities:

From:    Test <email@email.com>
To:    Test <email@email.com>


From:    Test &lt;email@email.com&gt;
To:    Test &lt;email@email.com&gt;

I think this bug was introduced in the latest tinyMCE update, but unfortunately I didn't have
enough time yet to confirm and fix it. I can check this at the end of the week or if you prefer
to release the RC soon, please consider fixing it.

Thank you!

Victor Benincasa
# Mobile: +55 (11) 992-227-227 | ID: 55*11*51775 | Skype: vbenincasa
# IT Manager :: Networks, Applications, Systems, Security, Advanced Support