Well, the major reason of the development is just that there is no one yet (free). Also is a good point that smart phones bring up integrated  facilities of webmail client.

Taking consideration of this i think that could be  reasonable to develop a basic functionality mobile skin, the question would be how much basic should be......

2013/4/14 Rosali <myroundcube@mail4us.net>
Am 14.04.2013 16:05, schrieb David Carter:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Rosali wrote:

IMO, the only reason to have a mobile skin (with limited features) is
contacts and may be calendaring integration. The preferable way to serve
mobile devices is to use CalDAV/CardDAV. Almost all mobile devices have
fully integrated clients for IMAP/CalDAV/CardDAV. So, is it really
necessary to have a (feature limited) web interface? Just me 5 cents.

I agree that the integrated clients will almost always offer a better user
experience as they are optimised for the device in question.

The one significant advantage that I can see is that the integrated
clients have to be configured to use a given IMAP server, while people can
just click on a URL to get the (limited) web interface.

So I can borrow someone else's mobile device to check my mail, if I happen
to have left my own at home.

That's a point. From a developers point of view I wouldn't be encouraged
to spend time for the development of a mobile skin (that's my point of
view, I'm not a member of the Roundcube Dev Team). There are commercial
mobile skins available. May be you want to check

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