On 13 Feb 2017, at 20:22, Michael Heydekamp listuser@freexp.de wrote:
Just to phrase this issue a little bit clearer:
Am 13.02.2017 21:53, schrieb Michael Heydekamp:
Am 13.02.2017 08:27, schrieb A.L.E.C:
That's not a bug. The icon is "mark as flagged" button.
I know what the icon means, but I don't understand the purpose of displaying it.
What I mean, is: I know what the icon means, but I don't understand the purpose of displaying it ALWAYS - no matter in which column the mouse cursor is placed.
I said that before in my initial message ("the arrow below represents the mouse cursor, but it doesnt matter in which column the mouse cursor is placed"), but apparently it has not been realized.
BTW: The stable 1.2.3 is behaving 100% correctly in this respect.
I see the exact same behavior on 1.2.3 with the flag column. I have never heard a single peep from anyone about how terrible that it.
Why do get things broken which did work perfectly before? And why does nobody notice it BEFORE announcing a (beta) release? <sigh>
I think you completely misunderstand the purpose of a beta, and even more, the relationship between you and the developers of roundcube.