2d02e43df5e3cac37f101db9a7c309e9@ihug.co.nz A1B184C8F9BED04EA2EC4FA0C10EFAF79C4197@gromit.swerve.co.nz Message-ID: 22da752350d7fb9fd225a5f655750611@ihug.co.nz X-Sender: roundcube-maint@ihug.co.nz Received: from [] by webmail12.ihug.co.nz ([]:80) via TCP with HTTP/1.1 (POST) id 1d5d8a14; 13 December 2007 19:09:04 +1300 (NZDT) User-Agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.1b Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:40:48 +1300, "Dalibor Andzakovic" Dalibor.Andzakovic@swerve.co.nz wrote:
You could argue that roundcube is a server in itself and that [the] true
client is the browser on the user's PC.
Thanks Dali, my thoughts exactly.
FYI: GMail adds a Received header in much the same way that I'm proposing RoundCube should.
-Martin _______________________________________________ List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/