Personally I don't like to exhaust the config pane with all sorts of parameters, especially not with numbers (in pixels) to enter there. Most of the users have no idea what a pixel is and what this parameter is good for.
I agree to Charles: The one and only solution is to make the width of the folders pane (and in conclusion the width of the message list) adjustable with the mouse. This can be done but it requires some JavaScript and CSS coding and it only makes sense if the size can be saved within the user's preferences. The solution starts with the possibility to save and retrieve skin-related settings to the user's prefs and integrate them in the skin using the template engine.
Of course this should be done once but as you can imagine, this sort of GUI improvements need a solid base in the RoundCube core and template engine. I'd suggest to open a feature request in the tracker at SF for this topic.
Regards, Thomas
Pierre HAEGELI wrote:
In order to have the width of the folders list tab fitting with different translations or folders names,
it would be great if the width of the tab could be resizable or fixed in the preferences screen with a new field where you can enter a size in pixels.
Do you think this feature could be added to Roundcube ?