
I've revised and updated the Persian translations suggested by Anoosh. The resulting translation files are attached (and then detached ;D).

I used Persian words instead of the original English words in translation where possible ( e.g. رایانامه instead of ایمیل and خادم instead of سرور). Also I changed the alignment of mixed Persian-English strings so that they are shown correctly in a Right-to-Left layout.

Thanks to Anoosh and thank you for your great free/open source software.

BTW, are there any Persian-speaking/Iranian developers involved in your project?

On 10/2/07, Anoosh < anoosher2003@yahoo.com> wrote:
Updated Persian translation is attached.
P.S. I read about people having to confirm the translations, if it's done like this, tell me how exactly they should confirm. (because I do know some friends and others who use RoundCube with Persian language)

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         Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah

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