On 2010-10-10 12:24 UTC Julien Vehent wrote:
I want a XMPP plugin for Roundcube, and have been doing research on how to build it. It seems that Strophe.js and jquery would provide a fine solution, this is the direction taken by Drupal's DXMPP plugin and a few others.
When I first saw Google's instant messaging integration into GMail, I was very irritated. I had not logged into "My Grand Communication Centre", no, I had logged into "Google Mail". So why can I chat there? IM is about as relevant to mailing as taking a photo is to painting.
So, while I'd love to see a "Roundcube WebIM", that can re-use the same address book, and have the same look and feel, I *really* wouldn't like to see the two integrated the way GMail does it.
If I want integration of the two (plus a few other great things), I want Wave (as in Google Wave, or now, Wave in a Box). But until people are able to handle that kind of communication tool, a few more years will pass, I guess.
Btw., when I first read the subject of your mail, I thought that you want to create some plugin that can use XMPP to notify about new mail. That would be something useful, too - and it doesn't require a line of JavaScript. Although I guess that it would probably be better to implement this kind of thing as a mail server plugin (e.g. for Dovecot).