On 9/4/07, crow crow@linux.org.ba wrote:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 9:22:53 AM, you wrote:
On Tuesday 04 September 2007 09:02:05 am crow wrote:
Hello All,
I setup a Roundcube webmail, and it is working fine. Some part not but i can live with that. The problem is that my Server admin is complaining about mysql usage and threads that Roundcube make. I disabeled CACHE but that didnt help either:
I am not too sure, but are the connections persistent ? I know that we have reduced connections by using the mysql_pconnect instead of mysql_connect ...
I've never seen that work. Especially with Apache and forking/preforking. I've read a ton of articles where people claim that you save some CPU cycles by using it but I have no idea if that actually works (yet/now).
I dont know that i asked my sysadmin if connection persistent are. It would like to use mysql a minimum only, but it seems so not. Thnx for your replay.
Check config/db.inc.php and check $rcmail_config['db_persistent']
If it is set to TRUE, please set it to FALSE and try again.
Also, as others have stated - the default timeout for mysql connections is 8 hrs. This is not really a problem (shouldn't be anyway), but tell your system administrator to read up on wait_timeout (or something like that) to decrease the setting. Then idle connections will no longer stay around for so long.
Cheers, Till _______________________________________________ List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/dev/