2012/3/15 Claudio Filho filhocf@gmail.com:
Looking in my checkout from MyRC snv, i observed the same plugin there and in the RC's svn. So, i ask what is the criteria to insert this 3th part plugins into RC's svn or not. This question is important (IMHO) to understand for where we can send the patches.
Can someone give me some clarification about this?
Bringing more some info, i saw a updated/modified plugins in RC's svn compared with MyRC's svn:
acl additional_message_headers archive autologon database_attachments debug_logger emoticons enigma example_addressbook filesystem_attachments help http_authentication jqueryui managesieve markasjunk new_user_dialog new_user_identity newmail_notifier password redundant_attachments show_additional_headers squirrelmail_usercopy subscriptions_option userinfo vcard_attachments virtuser_file virtuser_query