

In r5764 changes required in the plugins for the new Roundcube Framework were put into the trunk version of the plugins. Please consider using a separate branch for the plugin work, just like for the changes in the core so that the plugins will continue to work with the current Roundcube trunk in the meantime.







From: dev-bounces+roundcube=tehinterweb.co.uk@lists.roundcube.net [mailto:dev-bounces+roundcube=tehinterweb.co.uk@lists.roundcube.net] On Behalf Of till
Sent: 07 January 2012 16:48
To: Claudio Kuenzler
Cc: RoundCube Dev
Subject: Re: [RCD] Roundcube Framework and BC breaks list




I guess those are all valid points. I think as long as we keep the versioning sane and don't race to a 1.0 too quickly we can always change the requirement when more people came around to 5.3. I am hoping this is more sooner than later. With PHP 5.4 around the corner, there are a lot of benefits to upgrading.


I'm not aware of the Zend Encoder/Zend Guard specifics. I'll see if I can dig up something from Zend to learn more about it.



On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Claudio Kuenzler <ck@claudiokuenzler.com> wrote:

Thanks Raoul, you're taking the words out of my mouth :D
Being a hoster I see the same problematics with the migration 5.2->5.3.
Big problem as example: Zend Optimizer to Zend Guard Loader. Completely different and encoded apps won't be working anymore. That's some huge bugger for a hoster.
So +1 from me as well to stay 5.2 compliant.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] <r.bhatia@ipax.at> wrote:

On 2012-01-06 15:36, Thomas Bruederli wrote:
> till wrote:
>> Do you guys have any thoughts on going all the way with 5.3+?
> That would, of course, be desirable from a developers perspective but
> remembering all the complaints when moving to 5.2 as a minimum requirement
> I guess it's to early. Hosting companies and linux distributors seem to lag
> behind the ongoing development and still have 5.2 in their repositories.
> PHP 5.4 is still not released stable and until that we should at least
> support one major version more than just the most recent one.

as both a hoster and programmer myself, i completely agree with

on the hosting side, it will still take some time for a php 5.2 to
php 5.3 transition because

(a) there are still supported distros with php 5.2 (think: never touch
a running system) and

(b) there are plenty of customers, ignorant to software updates, who
are still running non php 5.3 compatible appplications (e.g. joomla 1.5)
or custom code which makes a (forced) transition even harder ...

(of course, you can run php 5.2 and php 5.3 side by side but that
increases maintenance efforts)

so +1 for keeping 5.2 compatibility a little longer.

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia@ipax.at
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