I made a page on the wiki to keep track of plugin api stuff. Feel
free to add any useful information to that page.
--Brian Jackson
On Feb 4, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Juan González wrote:
Just discovered Roundcube. I am interested in contributing some of
my time to Roundcube, if needed or even wanted.I am a php developer so I am looking to get my hands dirty helping
out when I can, if I can. My experience comes from my own project
of 2 years, www.vmailadmin.org, a front end for Postfix servers
(amongst others). I don't have much experience with AJAX but PHP is
my thing and I do know a little bit of javascript.My first order is... What is the progress of the plug-in system? A
client of this nature seems pretty useless without a plug-in API. I
am interested, I've looked at the code and it appears quite
understandable. I think this is where I would like to contribute...
the plugin API base code.I am motivated by the desire to (all possible wiht a plug-in API):
- Integrate Maildrop filtering capabilities
- Provide a front end for user SpamAssassin preferences
- Have some sort of auto-login system
- Have folder with sub-folder be colapsable (not sure if this
already exists since I just installed last night) 5. probably lots more....
My name is Juan.