I had a long talk with this support rep on the phone the other day. He said that a number of people (though he wouldn't tell me how many) have filed a bug notice on this very issue. Internally, the bug is graded as "fix in next release", which means IE 8. That is probably at least 3 years off, and likely longer. He said that no one has yet opened a formal support ticket on this issue. We are the first. It's a shame we have to play their game, but the only way to get your bug's priority bumped is to make a business impact case. Then again, there is no guarantee that they will escalate the bug even with this document. And even if they do escalate it, the best case time frame for a generally deployed fix is 3 - 6 months. Despite this, I think it is still worth submitting the document and getting the process started.

In the meantime, I wanted to propose an alternate solution. As I understand it, making the subject text an <A> tag was to accommodate a small subset of users. Could we possibly create a new setting in the personal settings area where the individual user could toggle whether they want this as an <A> tag or not? Ideally, the server admin could set a default value and then let users override it. I think this might be the best short term solution until MS fixes the real bug, if they ever do.

What does everyone think? Also, could someone take a few minutes and explain to me again the full reason for the <A> tag with a real href? Was it just accessibility reasons?

Joel Clermont

On Sep 22, 2007, at 5:50 AM, Michael Büker wrote:

On Friday 21 September 2007, Joel Clermont wrote:
If these workarounds do not work for you, we can request a hotfix
from the product team.  Keep in mind that there is always a chance
that the hotfix request can be rejected.  If you diecide to pursue
this route, I would need to have a Business Impact statement from you
addressing the following questions.  Once I have the Business Impact
Statement, I can file a formal hotfix request to the product team:

<we'll only fix this if you are important enough>

I can't believe this! You've proven to them it's a nonstandard behaviour, it 
breaks actions that are expected, they even admitted it's a _bug_, and they 
tell you to get down on your knees and beg so they _might_ fix it, but only 
if they deem you important enough, _and_ there's enough money involved!

How much would I like to put a fat notice on the roundcube homepage 
saying "IE7 broken!", we don't support it period.

What a bunch of arrogant, superbureaocratic, incapable assholes!

Sorry, I had to let this steam off ;)


Heisenberg gets stopped by a cop for speeding.
"Do you have any idea how fast you were going?", asks the cop.
"No. But I know exactly where I am!"
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