So after checking out the API draft, I must say Roundcube looks even more delicious. AJAX is amazing, and even more so are you AJAX devs. DAMN!!!!!
Anyways, while my strength is pretty much limited to PHP, this is what i can say about the API, with my limited knowledge of how RC is written. Little by little, I am going over how RC is written..
All hook placements look good. I can't think of anywhere else to put them. As I learn the RC source code and I see a place where a hook could be, I'll ping the list here...
As a side note, the current language pack is not es_ES but rather a different dialect... I'm not sure, but I think it's Chilean. I am going to contribute the es_ES lang pack (either adding it to the lang list or replacing the current)...
---------- Arnór Heiðar wrote ----------
I agree that dividing the project up like this and separating the html from the code is great and very progressive, but that's very javascript-centric code, it would affect which types of developers you'd be getting considerably. I, for instance, am not the greatest javascript coder, though I know my PHP pretty good... I'd probably be useless...
But there are very many pluses going for the JSON model... Especially if we were to use a good javascript library at the core.
On 2/7/07, Mathieu Lecarme mathieu@garambrogne.net wrote:
till a écrit :
Apologies - it's late here. Just resending with the correct subject.
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Hi boys and girls,
the draft is here: http://trac.roundcube.net/trac.cgi/wiki/Plugin_API_Draft
Happy to read all your feedback!
Cheers, Brennan & Till
JSON is a very good idea both for js interface and distant API. Full DHTML pluggable interface is a huge change in code, but JSON server side implementation will not break anything, it may be a good starting point? With a read/write contact API I can post a protoype of AdressBook.app sync, and Thunderbird 2.0 too.