Thomas, tell me if this is an adequate fix for this problem.

In program/steps/mail/
  $message_id = $headers->messageID;

  $temp_dir = $CONFIG['temp_dir'].(!eregi('\/$', $CONFIG['temp_dir']) ? '/' : '');
  $cache_dir = $temp_dir.$_SESSION['client_id'];
  $cache_path = $cache_dir.'/'.$message_id;

I added:

So, if there is no messageID specificed in the email, for caching purposes we set the value to the current session ID, with the appeneded, which isn't really necessary but is there for style.

On 12/8/05, Thomas Bruederli <> wrote:
Seems to be a problem reported earlier, when no message-ID is specified
in the message headers. RC does not check this yet and the path for
caching becomes incomplete.


Pieter wrote:
> I don't want to be a spoiler, but this does not look like a permision
> problem to me...
> fopen(temp/1962c11578bbf49800aa6f6593f9f3af/)
> ^^ Check! It is trying to open a directory. And that's what the error is
> saying as well. But fopen cannot open directories, that explains the
> error. It looks like the filename is missing, or the last char should
> not be a "/".
> phil schreef:
>> On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 12:24:12 -0500, Geuis Teses <>
>> wrote:
>>> These are the errors:
>>> [...]
>> I asked if you had created the dirctories, but guess I didn't talk
>> about user and group perms.  what user is your webserver running as?
>> what group is your webserver running as?  for freebsd the answer is
>> www and www.  once you know these, you can set the user/group perms on
>> temp and logs correctly.  so with those (that may or may not be yours)
>> and your PATH, it would look like:
>> chmod -R www:www /home/public_html/webmail/temp
>> chmod -R www:www /home/public_html/webmail/logs
>> hth
>> P