I recently found this problem with Safari (versions 1.3.2, but also with newer tiger versions). The problem is that clicking on the message list scroll bar to scroll up and down through the list doesn't work. The scroll bar doesn't go anywhere. However, if you press the ctrl key down while clicking on the scroll bar, it works fine.
There is a similar problem with the Apple key. After selecting anything on the message list, using the apple modifier key doesn't work. This is a problem because Apple-N opens new windows, Apple-W closes the current window.
Now macs only usually have one mouse button. Ctrl-click serves as a right click. However, I connected a two button mouse and right clicking on the scroll bar doesn't cause it to move, just a ctrl-click.
I've tracked the problem down to a particular change. It is in program/js/app.js between cvs revisions 1.28 and 1.29 (for that file). http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/roundcubemail/roundcubemail/program/js...
I applied the differences between these two revisions one by one, and I found the difference that caused scrolling to break. The diff that causes it to break is the one that begins on line Line 246/249. (Lines 255 through 307 in current cvs head)
It is a large chunk of code, and I'm not sure exactly what is causing the problem, I thought I would ask here and see if anyone had any ideas. I would be glad to work with to get this resolved. I know few people have macs, so I would be glad to apply patches and report results.
--Jacob Brunson